Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I'm Baaaaaaack!

     Do you know what's exceedingly depressing? When you realize how long it's been since you've last made a blog post. Then you realize that the entire format has changed. Then you realize that you had absolutely no excuse whatsoever to abandon your blog except for that pesky little thing I like to call time, or a lack thereof. I'm sorry Baby Blog!! I didn't mean to abandon you!!!! I'm back now! Take me back baby, forgive me for my utter and complete abandonment. You must have been so hurt when I left you without a word. What? You didn't care that I left? Well, that makes me feel a whole lot better. Still, this blog hasn't gotten the love it should have, and with my new goals of networking and such I need to update it.

     So to start, I will post a video stating what I feel.

     Yes, Baby Blog, I realize what I have done to you, just abandoning you like that. I now realize that we're meant to be!

      Secondly, I will show you what I've been up to in a one minute nineteen seconds video.

     Yeah, I know, I know. I abandoned my Baby Blog for THAT. Why yes, yes I did. But I'm back now, so please only judge me for the past and not the present.

     And lastly before I put all my networking links into this post and take complete and utter advantage of this blog- I'm sorry baby, but you know how it is- I will insert one last video in honor me and my Baby Blog's newly reformed relationship.

     Baby Blog, I hope you will forgive me. I never expected leaving you to hurt so much (actually, I kinda forgot about you). But NOT ANYMORE! I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Hahahahahaha!

So now for all this networking crap. Here ya go if ya wanna check out my links:

     I know, I know. Shameless. Especially after what I did to poor Baby Blog here. But don't worry. I'll advertise Baby Blog elsewhere and he won't feel so hurt anymore;)

I love questions so don't be afraid to ask. Even anonymously.

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