Thursday, July 12, 2012

Story of My Life- Distractions

Story of my life- oh wait a distraction! Look over there! Over there!

     "Why aren't you doing that thing you're supposed to be doing?" Some caring, loving friend of mine pointing out my faults, says.

     "Why, because it's so easy to get distracted of course!" That's my best answer. Right now's an example of how easily distracted I am. I'm supposed to be working on a Psychology Extra Credit Review for the final I have this week. After that I'm supposed to work on an Elementary Spanish I Extra Credit Review for the other final I have this week. IT'S KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

     And I want to work on my manuscript and write more words. I'm almost at 60,000 words as of last night, but I can't work on it till I finish 18 more Psych questions, aka chapter 11, of the review. After that I only have 2 chapters left, thank God.

    Oooh. The phone just rang. I wonder who it is?? I guess I'll figure out after they leave a message. It sounds automated. Anyways, there are too many distractions!!!! And all of them are on the internet. I mean, come on. I have to check my Tumblr, Twitter, YouTube, and Baby Blog of course!!! And I HAVE to check them every two seconds. You know how it is.

     That's pretty much me. As a man. At an office job. Yeah, I don't have the last two, but I sure do feel like that ALL THE TIME. Especially when I'm in school and I'm left questioning myself as to why I put myself through this. I guess I'm just a chronic procrastinator or something. I don't know. But I have to have SOMETHING to blame this insanity on!!!

     Hey, this is a cool piece of artwork I found while looking up pictures of being distracted for this blog. Man, I need to do something useful with my life...

     If you need to find something useful to do with your life to, I understand completely. So I will now leave a song for you to help you through any forms of distraction you might have. Because face it, you're reading this blog. Chances are you're either bored and looking random things up, or distracted. Or you just like me, in which case, I like you back:D So here's the song to help you through. It's by Kanye so there are no sexual innuendos or ANYTHING. Heh heh. Right.

Happy not getting distracted-ing!!!!!!!

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