Wednesday, August 24, 2011


     I haven't written much, I know, so if you follow me and JUST LIVE FOR MY POSTS good for you and I apologize. Anyways, I've found a theme: art. I love art because it means something, it can be beautiful to some, ugly to others. It can have many meanings. It could have no meaning at all. That's why I love it. It can be what you want it to be. The title in itself explains so much. So anyways... to start off here's some of the graphic designer Rafig Elmansy's Conceptual Surreal Art crossed with photography and edited on the computer.

     It is called Memorial to Empty Hearts. I don't know if I'll ever be able to make something like that. It's so-

     Here is another piece by Rafig Elmansy.

     Sometimes I feel like that. Just ready to explode.

Here's the website link below for more of his artwork. Actually there are two links.

Conceptual Surreal Art by Rafig Elmonsy Link : 

Computer Art by Rafig Elmonsy : 

     Time to get to work. I'll be back with more art soon I hope. It gives my life meaning. Enjoy the rest of your week.

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