Monday, May 30, 2011

"School's Out For Summer!" (Almost)

     I figured that this would be a good start to get in the mood for summer, especially after an amazing Memorial Day Weekend!

     I have to be honest, that was the only episode I watched of American Idol last season 2010, and I only watched that part of it too. But give it up for Orianthi!!! Oh, and Alice Cooper. Just kidding. Thanks to him I've been humming that song on the way home from school just about every day for two weeks, but I'm out now, and soon everyone else will be too, and for everyone (even those who don't go to school) it is a great summer kick-off song!!!

     I hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend. I know I did. I started it off on Saturday by going to bed at 1 A.M. and sleeping until noon. Sunday I went with one of my best friends to her mom's boyfriend's brother and sister-in-law's house at three and had an all-American, except for the German potato salad (which was quite good), barbecue. We went out on their motorboat, were sprayed with salt water, and saw some dolphins. She and I went out to the beach and ran into a friend on the way. The fresh air was so good. I love summer so much! I just don't like that its SO SO hot. We hung out on the dock and there was a nice, cool evening breeze and we learned some magic. She showed me this video. The best part is that I know these four chords on piano!

     Earlier tonight I was watching Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace and walking on the treadmill. Who ever said that you can't get abs and be a nerd at the same time? What they should have said is what I'm about to say for them- "If that's what you want to do, then go for it!! Go after your dreams!"

     And with that I will close. Have a good Tuesday!

Friday, May 27, 2011

"Pomp and Circumstance"

     Tonight the concert band played at the Class of 2011's graduation ceremony. And lets just say that a.) my chops almost fell off during "Pomp and Circumstance" and b.) tonight I realized that I'm probably not going to see any of the other awesome band people (besides my closer friends) till July! It's weird how things seem to go on even when it feels like time should stop, for example the band won't be the same without the eight seniors moving on. At the same time new seniors will rise up in their places and life will go on at school without them, just like their lives will go on without us. To all of you seniors out there, especially those in band, just know that we're going to miss you!!

     Now I hope that everyone knows what "Pomp and Circumstance" is. If you don't or need a refresher it is basically it is every musician's worst nightmare. MAYBE some people actually LIKE it, but for those of you out there that do I think you are insane (in a good way)! "Pomp and Circumstance" is the song played at graduations either when the students come up to get their diplomas or when they come in to be seated (at my school we play when the students come in to be seated). This was our second largest class and according to my band instructor we were only going to have to play it through six times. Ha HA. VERY FUNNY Mr. F. !!! Afterwards he said that he'd been expecting it to be long, but not THAT long. We repeated the song fifteen times, or if you are being technical, we repeated different parts of the song that repeat fifteen times. Or something like that. Oh, and it gets stuck in your head for ETERNITY. I am not even kidding. Last year at graduation we played the song extremely badly partially due to the acoustics but mostly due to just failing miserably and not practicing much to any beforehand. Plus I'm pretty sure last year's class was the largest class to graduate from my school.

    And for the ENTIRE summer I would randomly start humming "Pomp and Circumstance" to myself at epic moments, or just humming it without thinking about it somewhere random like in the car on the way to my cousin's bowling competition and my mom would give me a dirty look and I'd be like "What?"

    "You keep humming it," she'd say. Five minutes later she'd be giving me another glare and I'd be like "Oh shoot, I was humming it again wasn't I? I can't get the stinking song stuck out of my head!!"      So be warned... If you listen to it, it might just get stuck in your head and start ruining your life and all of your epic moments.

     Still don't know what I'm talking about? Here's a video to show you. The song starts at 3:11 stops at 4:02. Resumes at 5:54 to end. Don't watch it!

WARNING: Strong possibility of getting song stuck in your head!

CAUTION: It may be stuck on repeat for hours to months at a time!




     Well, either you watched it or you didn't. If you chose not to, it was probably in your best interest. For those of you who did watch it, under ordinary circumstances, or at least in my bands circumstances, it will not sound that good. When I was in middle school we went to the Magical Music Days at Disney World workshop and played this piece to the clip of the video around 5:54 to the end of the one above, except with us as the recording. It sounded horrendous, but it was fun to record (kind of, I mean we all really wanted to go to the park so we weren't THAT excited about the whole recording thing).

     The other band kids and I got to enjoy that tonight- fifteen times. Hope you enjoy your own little piece of graduation spirit whether it's from this post, this video, or your own graduation events! HAPPY "Pomp and Circumstance"-ing!!!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Goals, Music, and "Careless Whispers"

     Today, I had my last final at school. Today, I started this blog. For a few days I have been thinking about starting a blog due to a wonderful book called, The Essential Guide to Getting Your Book Published. From what I have read so far, I would recommend it to anyone interested in publishing a novel. Someday soon, I want to publish a novel. Actually, I have a specific story in mind. For the most part finished this book, and after I finish editing in a few things and majorly changing a few more things, I plan on trying to get it published. Hence the reason for my buying the book, The Essential Guide to Getting Your Book Published. Here's a link for if you're interested

     Let me tell you a little bit about my book. A young woman named Maya works for a company called the MMM (aka the Mythical Monster Marauders). She is one of their top rangers, which is a bounty hunter for MM's (Mythical Monsters), such as vampires, werewolves, banshees, fairies, and my personal favorite, zombies. These creatures seem like ordinary human beings to the passerby, but when no one is paying attention, they are cold blooded killers. The MMM's goal is to take them down.

     "Until every Mythical Monster has been annihilated from this universe, we shall neither stop nor rest for anything. Not even death will deter us from our mission." This is their motto. Maya fully believes it and juggles studying business at a college in Arizona with her career as a ranger. Then she captures a zombie who is high up in the MM system, Donovon Seely. After a chain reaction of events that all begin with his capture, she reaches a precipice forcing her to make choices, some of which are made for her, that upset her way of life and make her question everything she's believed. Is the MMM right? Are all of the MM's bloodthirsty wretched beings or is there something more to them? Are the MM's right? Is the MMM an organization that is single minded and not taking the time to look at the whole picture? Is their only goal to kill MM's? And the most eminent question of all is which would Maya be willing to die for.

     I want to call this story Blood and Triumph, but let me know what you think and please feel free to suggest titles. I would seriously love your feedback.

     On another note, I had a clarinet lesson today! This summer I plan on practicing as much as I can. I want to audition for All State band in the fall (and All County) and give them a really good audition. I made it to All State in eighth grade, but my audition was terrible. In the end I made All State Honors and it was so much fun (though my butt really hurt after sitting for three or four hours at a time)! I'm also learning saxophone this summer so that I can play in jazz band next winter. I'm also going to convince my band director to get a composition with clarinet in it, like something by Benny Goodman.
Speaking of saxophone, here is a video that is- well, see for yourself.

     Haha! I love it when he runs into the marching band field. I have to say though, if he came in at a pause in the middle I would have been thoroughly entertained. Heck, I probably would've laughed even if it was in the middle of our show (maybe, it would depend on my mood). Yeah, the only good version of that song is by Seether. No offense meant to any George Michael fans, but it's the truth.

     Everyone have a great night enjoy having "Careless Whisper" stuck in your head!!