I don't know if anyone regularly reads my blog, or if anyone's life depends on it (I doubt it ;)), but I know I have neglected my poor blog the past, oh, month. So here's an update. A couple of weekends ago I paid a visit to Mickey Mouse because my cousin had a bowling tournament in his area and I spent some time in a desert parking lot walking around waiting for her. I am not kidding about the desert thing. It felt like I was in the Sahara with cracked pavement that was practically bleached out. It was good to see her though.
We had our first marching band practice of the season yesterday, which was pretty great. We're playing "Don't Stop Believing" and "Take On Me" for our opener, and we have to play it at a tempo close to 180 (if don't know what that means, it's really really fast). And I learned how to march forwards and backwards and use a camel pack. You know how a camel has those humps on its back to store water? That's exactly what a camel pack does. Mine's this bright orange color. I have a feeling that I'm never going to lose it.
I saw the new movie Monte Carlo today. No I didn't go to see Transformers 3. If you saw it and liked it, good for you. After the second one's storyline which was EXTREMELY bad, what with them leaving out parts of the plot, WHAT DID THE SHARDS OF THE CUBE HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING?!? WHY CAN'T MEGATRON JUST DIE? IS IT THAT IMPOSSIBLE? AT LEAST COME UP WITH A NEW BAD GUY, NOT HIM AND A NEW BAD GUY!!!! I refuse to pay money to see the third one. I, however, did love the first one and it is my favorite movie of all time.
They should have just left it at that. But NO they had to go and ruin it by adding to the perfect ending and only taking to years to crank out another blockbuster so that they could make MORE money instead of taking the time to perfect the story.
Anyways, Monte Carlo was pretty good. It was girly of course. And if you want to go see a Disney-like movie with perfect guys and the all too sickening happy ending that is completely and entirely unrealistic, then good for you. Some parts were pretty funny, especially at the beginning, but I would have liked to see more polo than they showed in the movie, and everything was so perfect. At the end, realistically the girls should have been arrested, but no, why do that? Why not just teach every little girl that when you lie you can get in big trouble, but if you tell the truth it's all okay. Maybe this wasn't a Disney movie (I honestly have no idea), but can't there ever be something with a happy ending that's more realistic? I mean, you aren't gonna run into the same random hot stranger in Europe 3 or 4 times and him not be some psychopathic killer or stalker. Not unless you are extremely lucky. Every story needs a little something unrealistic, otherwise we'd all be bored to death and cease going to the movies (or reading books). However, this movie was Walt Disney unrealistic, not making it bad, just making me feel rather depressed about most of the writers of this century AND for all of the little girls (and women) out there who are someday going to realize that there is no PERFECT guy going to come and rescue you. I hate to break it to you, but NO ONE is perfect. Too bad Disney likes to live in a land of unreality.
On a happier note, last night my band instructor was talking about drum corps. Here's a couple of really good groups (neither of which are groups HE was talking about, but nevertheless are really good groups I discovered awhile ago when bored on the internet).
In the second one, the guy talks WAY TOO MUCH, but it gives you some interesting info about the group, Top Secret. There name is kind of gay, but they are AMAZING. Plus, I love the choreography near the end.
Anyways, hopefully I'll write again soon. I hope you enjoyed. Have a good summer!